VirtualGuard Docs Help

Advanced CPU Options


These are a select few features that work in tandem with our Code Virtualization feature, to bring an already strong protection to new levels.


This protection is automatically applied with your VirtualGuard+ license when using Code Virtualization.

Automatic Constant Hashing

VirtualGuard's automatic constant hashing secures all of your comparisons. Here's an example:

string input = Console.ReadLine(); if(input == "testpassword") { // code to execute on this condition }

VirtualGuard would identify a constant here, "testpassword". While virtualizing, it will run this string through a one way hash algorithm.

if(hash(input) == 12874U) { // code to execute on this condition }

This algorithm by nature cannot be reversed. Now, at no point will this constant be exposed in memory. The provided value will go through this one way algorithm, making it so the correct answer cannot be recovered without brute-forcing the hash.

Hash-based block encryption

Remember the aforementioned blocks? Each block is encrypted using a unique key, ran through various dynamic arithmetic mutations. Here's what matters: We automatically encrypt branch targets using the correct hash of the correct comparison value. This makes it so reverse engineers cannot even view the virtual instructions that are ran when a statement is true, stopping them in their tracks.

Multi-Processor Virtual Machines

To put this simply, this will equally divide your target methods over a configurable amount of virtual processors. Each of these processors is completely unique, as described in the Code Virtualization process. This makes it so for somebody to fully de-virtualize your application, they will need to go through multiple layers of virtualization to recover a usable amount of data.


VirtualGuard+ isn't just about protecting your code; it's about fortifying it against even the most sophisticated threats. These Advanced CPU Options serve as the pinnacle of our commitment to digital security, ensuring that your application stands as an impenetrable fortress in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Elevate your defense with VirtualGuard+ – where code protection meets digital fortification.

Last modified: 03 January 2024